Day 9 - It's Dog Gone Christmas

Day 9 - Of Our Cruelty Free Christmas
We have featured many of our passions here at Nirvana and today is no different. We are huge advocates of adopting shelter animals as our regular feature Forever Home Friday attests to. Today we'd like to introduce you to one of life heroes, Mark Barone from An Act of Dog - Museum of Compassion. Mark is an extraordinary artist who raises awareness of the plight of shelter dogs through his paintings, "We are paving two parallel pathways: cultivating compassion for animals and raising funds through the sale of our fine art products to give back to rescue groups across the nation, and working with schools to show kids how to use their art for social change." Please do visit and browse their shop and give the gift of compassion this Christmas. #adoptdontshop #actofdogmuseum #markbarone #rescueadog#shelterdogsrock #crueltyfreechristmas